
Post Secondary InstitutionThe Master List of designated educational institutions is updated on a regular basis and consists of all the educational institutions where students are eligible to acquire Canada Student Loans. You are not eligible to acquire a Federal Pell Grant if you are incarcerated in a federal or state penal institution or are subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense.

For students who are deaf, deafened or hard-of-hearing, the government funds Help Solutions for the Hearing Impaired, which is administered by George Brown College on behalf of Toronto region colleges two Interpreter Funds for post-secondary institutions outside of Toronto and Educational Assistance Services, administered by the Canadian Hearing Society, which supports component-time study accommodation costs.

Degree” involves, but is not limited, to any academic credential or designation not less than, but including associate, bachelor, master, doctor, or fellow, …

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