Get Your Teen to Love Learning

Get Your Teen to Love Learning

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The world is changing rapidly. It is important your child can keep up. Learning is not an option. As long as we live, we must learn in order to survive. In fact, continuous learning is considered an essential life skill. As such, it is important you teach your child to have fun with learning.

Often time’s learning sounds like hard work and even a bore to a teen who just wants to explore life. After all, who wants to sit and write poetry or work on a complicating math problem when other things sound like more fun? Learning, however, does not have to be boring and does not have to be done at the kitchen table with books opened and spread everywhere.

If your teen does not show signs of being interested in learning, there are a number of things you can do to motivate him/her. The most …

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Online Career Degrees – What You Need to Know

Online Career Degrees - What You Need to Know

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Our reality has been revolutionized by the internet. With the advancement and development of the World Wide Web, everything in life has been made easy, and this even includes online career degrees. The education system has been made available through the internet the past few years and it is steadily increasing. Because of this there are a lot of legitimate and unaccredited online degrees which you should watch out for. One such bogus claim is providing for “free online career degrees.” This means, you don’t have to pay for anything. If you will look at it, cost should not be the primordial consideration but quality. If you are to get your degree online, they you might as well have quality education. If you will compare this to the traditional education, no school or university will provide for a free Ph.D. Degree.

Choose the right online career degrees for …

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How Do You Define Faith and is it Really Possible to Define Real Faith? Yes it Is!

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How do you define faith? Can you define faith? Yes, we can! At the beginning of Hebrews Chapter 11, we have in these opening verses a simple but practical and profound definition of faith.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Faith is a conviction. Faith is assurance that our loving God has everything under control.

When we have no faith, we compromise and we fear and we adjust and we shrink.

Faith relates to the unseen world where Jesus Christ is. Paul writes all about this in second letter to the Church of Jesus Christ in Corinthians Chapter 4: 18, where he writes about how we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

That first example of faith in Hebrews …

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Open Source Education – The New Way of Learning

Open Source Education - The New Way of Learning

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There is a new form of education these days. Open Source Education is surely going to change people’s outlook about education and help in spreading of knowledge and provide access to education to children across the globe.

Lisa Petrides,President and Founder of the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education,elucidates the worth of open source education – “Open educational resources provide a learner-centered platform that authentically marries technology with education, provides access and equity to education resources for all, and last but not least, is in some cases enabling the re-professionalism of teaching.”

Earlier, learning was quite a herculean task for the students in absence of classrooms or teachers. Now, with access and distribution of Internet facilities across the world, students have gained access to education for free through websites personalized to this type of education! Promoting open source learning will help in reducing the cost …

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Success Requires Forward Thinking

Success Requires Forward Thinking

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Success goes to those who take action and are going someplace, not the ones who are standing still, waiting for something to happen. They are people who know that success requires a goal, a plan, hard work, determination, great performance and a few adjustments, as they go along. They look to the future because, like it or not, that is where they are going.

“People who march into the future with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears will always bump into things that will hurt their chances for success.” — Bob Roth

Ignoring the warnings of those who have gone before you and being unprepared for what is coming at you is just plain stupid. Wise students want to know what they will face and how others have successfully dealt with those challenges. They know that they will have to compete for success. Although they …

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