Do Scholarships For Moms Going Back to College Really Exist?

Do Scholarships For Moms Going Back to College Really Exist?

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It’s a known fact that acquiring college education is really expensive. Even if you are just about to enter into college or you’re going back to complete an unfinished degree, the costs involved are still keeping many potential professionals from going to college.

Consider the weak state of the nation’s economy and the skyrocketing prices and you’re left with a lot of difficult decisions to make regarding your college education. But fortunately for many, especially moms who want to complete their degrees, there is assistance available in the form of scholarships for moms going back to college, which will help pay for the tuition fees without taking money out of one’s pocket.

There is a common misconception though that most people who have college scholarships for moms going back to college are those who have good grades or have performed excellently in a major sport. Though this is …

Do Scholarships For Moms Going Back to College Really Exist? Read More

The GED and Budget Cuts

The GED and Budget Cuts

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In a difficult economy, where money is tight for governments as well as individuals, GED programs face cutbacks. The state of New York is considering a substantial cut in funding for GED programs, from $3.9 million to $2.4 million dollars, because they cannot find other areas to cut the budget. It’s a 38 percent cut in a program that directly impacts many people’s lives and their ability to find better jobs and improve the economy. In the scope of a $9 billion dollar budget deficit, the benefit is minimal. In a state that ranks 48th out of 50 in the GED pass rate, the budget cuts will only make the state’s GED problems worse.

Still, budget cuts affecting GED programs don’t stop in New York. The Conejo Valley Adult School in Thousand Oaks, California is facing a 40 percent budget cuts, and that means increases in fees and …

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Believers Increasing at Such an Alarming Pace Across the World?

Believers Increasing at Such an Alarming Pace Across the World?

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Persecution of Christians across our world has been increasing at an alarming rate. Why is this happening? Why do people want to oppose and attack and torture and persecute those who have met the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ and who know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord?

Normally those who believe in Jesus Christ wish to serve and minister to people with the love of God and to do so as graciously and meaningfully as they know how. But, we have to face reality and persecution has been present since the birthing of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Peter and John were thrown into a Jerusalem jail a few hours after Jesus baptised one hundred and twenty women and men in the power of the Holy Spirit. All Peter and John did was to heal a cripple in the name of Jesus.

For over 30 years …

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Forex Training – Becoming A Successful Forex Trader

Forex Training - Becoming A Successful Forex Trader

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Achieving success in the forex world is never easy. Losses are a constant norm in the market and it is inevitable. Ask veteran traders and they will tell you that they have experienced losses in their career as a forex trader. Being able to prepare yourself mentally on this scenario, you will be able to overcome the fear of trading in the forex market.

Forex training can help you face good or bad situations that you will encounter while trading. Because of the intense competition and unpredictable nature of forex trading, it is therefore a great advice to get good forex training before entering the forex world. But how can you find the right forex training?

There are a lot of things to consider in having forex training. If you are just starting up your career, then what you need is a basic understanding of how forex trading …

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Lessons on Education and Learning in the 21st Century – Part 4 – Going to the Well

Lessons on Education and Learning in the 21st Century - Part 4 - Going to the Well

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I ended part 3 of this series with the wall of “I can’t” that blocks a lot of people an dthat really needs to be followed by the path of “I can.” So this is what you have to figure out what works for you. (Sorry, I can’t do it all from this side of the screen.)

The joy of the 21st century is that the well is deep and wide and you can’t possibly empty. It’s just finding the right source to slake your quest for knowledge. Now what the heck does that mean? I mentioned briefly that we all have different learning styles and back in school you were lumped in with every Tom, Dick and Mary, and that system might teach you some things, but for the most part it doesn’t teach a love of learning. Some people take a long time to get over …

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