8 Tactics School Districts Use to stop Parents From Winning Special Education Disputes!
Are you currently the parent of a youngster with autism or a learning disability getting special education services? Are you new to the special education arena and would prefer to be educated on some tactics to appear for? This article will likely be discussing 8 techniques employed by some special education personnel, to stop parents from getting equal participants in their child’s education.
Tactic 1: Intimidation, bullying, and lying! Some special education personnel attempt quite hard to be intimidating, so that parents are not going to fight for services for their youngsters! Intimidation may be loud voices, threats, condescending to the parent, or creating the parent feel inadequate or uncomfortable!
Tactic 2: All the above; but using a smile on their face! It gets me when a special education particular person opens their mouth and states something not truthful when they are smiling! I wonder if they believe that the …
8 Tactics School Districts Use to stop Parents From Winning Special Education Disputes! Read More