All Hell Is Breaking Loose in Our School Systems in Georgia!

All Hell Is Breaking Loose in Our School Systems in Georgia!

With class sizes increasing and teachers and also other support staff being released, what will occur to our little ones? Students were already suffering, particularly those with special needs. It has been a struggle every year to have the services and support the kids need from teachers b/c these are already overwhelmed. My son’s middle school went from having 3 counselors (one for each grade level) to 2 counselors, and next school year (2010-2011) they’ll only have 1 counselor.

theam even getting times when school systems are trying to dismiss students with disabilities such as Autism from being eligible for special education services. This is outrageous! If we think advocating for our children is hard now, just hold back until next school year. I believe Advocates are going to have their hands full.

As an old School Psychologist, I am disheartened incidentally school systems in Georgia are mistreating dedicated and …

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Why Is Physical Education Class Only Directed Towards the Small Percentage of Athletes?

Why Is Physical Education Class Only Directed Towards the Small Percentage of Athletes?

In traditional sports and physical education classes, educators are only teaching how to stay physically active through basic sports, which can be just the thing for the athletes, but why don’t you consider students who do not become professional athletes? The NCAA posted data on the possibility of an increased school athlete playing attending college and ultimately going pro. Comparing men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, men’s soccer, football, and men’s ice hockey, the data shows that the easiest sport to turn pro in is baseball. For baseball, approximately 0.44% or 1 out of every 225 high school graduation participants reach the professional ranks. Since that number is so low, how come physical educators continuing to instruct these sports? There is a small future because of these sports along the obesity academic is increasing at a fast pace.

Elementary physics. ed . should be focused on learning the fundamental fundamentals of …

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Ways To Be a Better Physical Education Teacher

Ways To Be a Better Physical Education Teacher

There is an issue whenever a great lesson falls apart because of the performance of your teacher. This article is here to deliver tips to help Physical Education teachers enhance their necessary skills. Many skills will probably be covered including, voice, speaking, motivation, and creativity. These four are a few items that teachers may use as a checklist to make a certain performance at their full potential.

Let’s commence with voice. Physical Education is usually taught outside or perhaps in a gymnasium, which suggests an instructor needs the proper voice with this environment. The students won’t hear you should you be too quiet, but you wouldn’t like to scream. Being quiet makes an instructor look weaker and it sends out a look of devoid of the authority. A teacher who screams creates a place not enjoyable for your class. The balance of the two can be a powerful voice. One …

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Life After High School

Life After High School

When we enter our teen years, we often begin to ponder what we will do when we graduate from high school. Unfortunately, many of us lack direction at that time and we might not know what we want to do when the big day approaches. In reality, however, there are very few choices that need to be made and as long as you can make one big decision, that’s generally enough to help get you started in life. You can then begin to shape your life around that decision and even change the way you live your life as it continues.

Direct Entry into The Job Market

One option available to you in many cases is direct entry into the job market. This is beneficial for those who do not have the tendency to attend all types of universities. This is also beneficial for those who want to go through …

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A Unique Course to Study That You Might Not Have Considered

A Unique Course to Study That You Might Not Have Considered

If you’re looking for something interesting to study, why not try photography? Whether you’re planning on using it as a basis for a career or you just want to learn a new skill or develop a new hobby, there are many different things you can do with your newfound abilities. Photography can be very lucrative, but it can also be a lot of fun, too. It’s worth exploring because there are so many options for it, and it’s a skill that you can take with you all of your life. Many people really enjoy taking pictures, and when you learn how to take better ones they bring you and your family members even more joy.  

Another course you can take would be film studies. It’s a great opportunity for you to learn something new and different, and to create something artistic and lasting. Some people study film so that …

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